the years have flown by… i catch myself with my jaw dropped gazing at these photos. what we have been through. picturing the future, where we are now, what i have missed, where we are going. we have all come so far in the past year. so much growth, happiness, sadness and appreciation. we’ve carried each other through this life, our day to day.
these photos are out of pure love.. the kind of love that ties your stomach in knots, taking your breath away. to document everything, every single thing. the details. everything i wish i could have seen. i hope they are proud of me and that one day they will understand. they have been my strength, my happy, my courage. i embrace the challenges of motherhood and i am so blessed to be able to do so. we live each day like it is our last. raising my children months at a time on my own, and health issues that have been all consuming… survival mode in full force.